Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Political Platform that has yet to be addressed!

The Political Platform that has yet to be addressed!!
Posted Jan 7
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The Political Platform that has yet to be addressed!! The City of Norfolk is a wonderful place for a select few like so many other places in the United States of America. I can talk about change and I can be the symbol of real change. Credit History Reports as a use of employment requirement. What happen to the qualifications and experience being enough for the job in which you seek. We eliminate those because instead of the content of their character we address the social woes in order to be the requirement to eliminate those that only seek for a chance to those that have been given second chances because of financial dominance. Its easier for us to find ways not to find someone qualified but criminal history isnt enough but had to go to another source which is irrelevant to the mandate and requirements of the job. We strive for better jobs to handle and facilitate our struggles to do better. It is instead determined more so by the rich to stay rich which would only yield jobs not based off the qualification but the income bracket. It is a time to change this within our city government but also to those in which we choose to conduct business. Government is suppose to represent the people not particular people. I've lived my life without the silver fork, but it would just be luxury to have that simple fork mixed in to other items on my plate. How about we look into other peoples background on the same social ailment. The ailment of the silver fork putting in their extra silver forks to keep their family secure based off one criteria as others do not matter. It is hard to get terminated especially when you are the one controlling the day to day operations of the business. The business itself seeks many different avenues to discouraged as a key word other applicants, but won't regulate nor have to within its own ranks. Gangs - Their is not a big enough gang than the city of Norfolk. We need to use this gang in order to plant seeds to change the motive of our growth. The seeds in itself that we plant in Norfolk. It is a beautiful city to select some and a very determinant of wealth to a select few. How many other than athletics and music have been able to extend fruits which have spread out seeds into our community. These seeds continue to grow but as a city do nothing to exploit the positives but fester the negatives. The music itself is real live imitation of social ills that have consume our city. It is a message that decision makers choose not to hear, and instead choose to lock up as a branch of society that is wrong. What are we doing to prevent the mass traffic of crime in our city. The traffic is based off jails instead of prevention. Lock them up before they have a chance to pick the prison. We can not heal until we decide to confront the issues of the past leading up to today. I challenge and do not hope for businesses to take on these youths into their headquarters. I would like for these youth to plant seeds into their neighborhoods that it is a brighter future. The brighter future is the elements of today. The drug dealer and the pimp which are striking forces into our communities. Their voices heard louder than anything that can be said at a town meeting. Our answer is to lock them up and instead not use them to bring in a new breed of minds urging for direction. The politicians are scared to walk on the same street while the real citizens are on those streets everyday. What makes a select few better than most. It is our challenge to seek and find the truth. The youth of this city and every other city are looking for answers and solutions. We create tested measures in order to bring safety to other parts of our city instead of looking at all of our city. Norfolk is not broken up because it is what the people call for in this state of recession. Norfolk needs someone that considers Norfolk/ Norfolk and not some 5 point. Five points in different directions but no one will go in all of those directions to bring out the voice of the people. The people is the city of Norfolk and not Norfolk is just another city. My proposal is simple and I have challenged those on the board. Instead of meeting to discuss gangs, than how about meetings to talk with the gang leaders. Most gangs are built because the protective mechanism of the police have been compromise not by the city but by the peoples eyes that witness their constant impact on their community. Most are derived by the principles of self defense, but only the negative words can be heard. I do not think so because it is plenty of gangs in the city of Norfolk. It is just that the city of Norfolk wont recognize itself as a gang. Initiate programs that invite them to sit at the table and take a look into their eyes. Our eyes are blind to the madness that goes on through their minds. Lock them up with no prevention instead of prevention before they do get locked up. We will see their criminal records first before we even decide to acknowledge them before it even got started. We have plenty of dealers so why dont we use these dealers to give out knowledge instead of death. We are all products of our environment. Our environments always have a different path when aligned amongst others. We want to punish those by association but it is plenty of associations if we dig deep enough into people closets that have the same influences as our present state. The state of not knowing and not being accountable. The responsibility falls on our youth that are not as educated and knowledgeable as others. The others need to take the rubber gloves off and put their real hand into the mix. It is so much that a city as a hole can know about each other to bring in a better Norfolk for all and not for some. My next issue which is long overdue is the landlord tenant act. If the laws of the state are not going to protect us than it needs to be a influential figure that will do everything in its power to make up for the lack. Our citizens are constantly in and out of court having their roof over their head taken away not because of being able to pay the rent, but due to the expenses incurred during the time frame of occupancy. A leak should not have 100 percent responsibility if no responsibility is being address to the party. How many of the citizens have went into court over problems in their rented habitat but have no recourse of actions being address to the sole proprietor. Escrow is easy for those with the income to facilitate but how about those that work to facilitate the little that they have left. You are expected to move with 100 percent upfront responsibility but even if someone had 75 percent of the matter that you still are held to that situation. A person living check to check has no voice even though its a voice that needs to be heard. Most lawyers will insist in the state of Virginia that the laws benefit the landlord. This projection was not made by citizens but lawyers who try their best to give people a fair hearing. If it is unfair from the start than how can it be fair at the ending. If the law was meant to protect everyone than one side would not have the benefit of the potential outcome. The people losing their houses are trying to have a voice but how about the people just trying to keep their apartment. We cant address everyone problem but we can make it fair to all those involved to have a fair and just greviance to their situation through a open eye of the court. The statutes are meant to favor landlords and not meant to favor citizens whether landlord or tenant. This needs to change. How we address this needs to change. You want people to pay their bills than give them the jobs in order to pay their bills. My proposal is to have a independent inspector made mandatory that knows the history of the place being rented or occupied, inspect the place before any major changes are done to make a case look better than the others. The first 48 hours are important than make a notice to people leaving a possible place with indiscrepancies have that same opportunity. Make it mandatory for this option to be address to a tenant before and after their move out date. This opens up a fair interpretation of rights to both parties. Second, bring in the value of those damages being proposed by both sides at the fair rate of the time of move out. It is so often for apartments to ask for brand new prices over used items. We have a car blue book than it needs the same value rates of items in those complexes to be addressed. Why should anyone pay for blinds 2 to 4 years old as brand new when they no longer carry the value. At will employment in this state is another issue that needs to be address. Employment has been made that within 30 days you can terminate employment without any financial risk to your business. Most employers use this as a reason whether good or bad to bring in who they want and lose who may be capable at anytime. It needs to be recourse based off good job performance and being on time for unemployment benefits. The time frame is good, but it has to be done fairly and not done as a matter of convenience to the business. This type of employment eliminates rights that should be afforded not only to the citizens of Norfolk, but to the citizens of the United States of America. This form is used to protect the business, but where is it in the form to protect you the employee. Youth Employment - Stop sending our youths in the summer time to just clean up schools. We have a very sexiest idea going on that ladies should be in the office and the men should be cleaning them out. We needs to have transparancy in these departments in order to uplift all youth. I think us all as citizens of the city of Norfolk would like to see our youth learning the jobs in which they seek at a higher academic level. This stimulates growth within your business and gives a better outlook of those applying. It is hard for us to say a janitor has the qualifications for a administrative or executive job. If we put into their minds that they are capable and give direction than it benefits the business and the city as a whole. Instead of raising the next criminal of Norfolk. We are raising and making our youth into the leaders that we want them to be instead of the ones that are becoming what most expect. If we can eliminate this form of thinking that everyone other than our own kind is a threat than the door is open for us to all work together. We should build up our own kind first and let the city of Norfolk be a learning curve to other cities. This takes more than just my help. It takes a community, business, and those that care about us all instead of a few to make a city better. I believe this is capable with open minds and hearts to bring in those that have lost theirs. If we can uplift a few bad apples than we can spoil a bunch. I challenge Norfolk to confront the issues of today and make it a agenda tommorow. If not than we need someone that will. I have been there and done that. I relate to people because I have struggle in the similar environment. Im just sad to know I waited until today to wake up. I will make a choice to wake up and do something about it. I hope that one bad seed in the past can be a good seed for those in the future. I'm not the drug dealer that sales death, but the dealer that sales a better life.

Ryan Frederick vs. CPD

Fruit from the poison snake (RYAN FREDERICK VS. CPD)

Ryan Frederick, the man found guilty of manslaughter, in the home invasion death of the chesapeake police officer. This case is disturbing to any and all citizens in the state of Virginia or America. A man with no criminal history gets blugluarized three days before a police raid into his house would lead to circumstances and consequences that far reach just a particular race or community. The reason for the raid was a informant by the chesapeake police gathering information through a crime in order to help solve a potential crime. How do you feel about criminals being allowed to take action with immunity to gather information that would lead to a potential raid. The informant was known to give unreliable evidence which several jurisdictions have acknowledge. Their was no drugs found during the raid but plants meant for someone doing gardening. This unreliable information from the informant lead to a night time home raid that came with deadly consequences. Please read this story as it is put into papers all over and give your own opinion. I believe in the right to bear arms and protect your home by any means from intruders. 1) The informant that burgluarized the home was the source of the warrant to raid his house. 2) No marijuana was found by Frederick admitted that he had grown some from his own confession for personal use. 3) The magistrate judge who signed the warrant did not know that the information came from a unreliable informant. 4) They went on a night time raid for someone they could have picked up from work. The guy posed no potential danger with no criminal record. 5) Three days before his house was robbed by the informant and this informant gave the police the information to raid the house. 6) Cops in dark clothing while dogs are barking break into the front door. Only one shot was fired. I think a potential danger would have fired more than one shot. 7) The informant has yet to be charged as he makes deals for his freedom while one cop life is lost and another man life is taken away by this one person information. Read up on the fruit from the poisonous tree doctrine and make your own opinion. If the guy was not a cop!! Do you think Frederick would be in jail at this time. In North Carolina, a cop shot through door from the outside killing a girl. No jail time for the cop other than a settlement made by the city. A settlement means you admit to no wrong doing, but to mediate circumstance is a financial donation. Now imagine after you read the articles if this was you and you was behind bars. Do you want to be in jail for the same occurances that lead up to this raid and fatality of a officer. The informant should be in jail and tried for murder. Not Frederick. I feel this is a serious miscarriage of justice and I hope on appeal that the right decision is made. Their are a lot of murderers walking free because of corrupt evidence gathering by police officers. The difference is it was a death of a officer and not a death of one of us.

What is the definition of you? by Mack

Posted Apr 3
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We live in a new time and day, but not much has been done to correct the past. Our lives are entangled by obstacles and struggles in order to bring happiness. We hope our race, gender, or sex are not used against but for us in our hope to become a better nation as well as a better person. We are blind to the facts until our past comes to the present. Our moments especially now will contribute to a new generation. How much have we done to correct the history. Our growth is built amongst men but we do forget the part women have played in our role. The decisions that are put upon us are valid by all scopes. Why dont we cling on to our aspirations far and wide instead of putting ourselves in a box of just straight and narrow. It is our ability to be different that makes us into who we are. We spend more time being a part instead of directing the start. I have open up a world if your mind is willing to listen. Our body is only a excuse to not use our mind. The ability to think is more precious than the ability to controll. We all decide our fate and the path of anyone should not be govern, but should be uplifted. We lock out ourselves to stand behind the gate as it is open to those that wish to walk through... Seldom do I see our leaders on a pedestal as we all have walked through their shoes on the same streets. Our excuses are not their mistakes as our lives are compromise. We all have the ability to make change. Very few will walk with you in the face of controversy as they wait to see you break down those walls. The tears shade are by many, but it is the few that stay strong that lead a nation. The few call upon many but is it them that doesnt succeed or is it us holding them back. Their is no worse shame than to live still in slavery. Death is only a destiny we all face. It can not be compromised and nor can it be avoided. Why do we avoid life? Our passion to fight has been lost. Our desire to help others is their but we choose to help ourselves. You are one but look down on us as the dark side. You manipulate our lives every day. Once again do I avoid? When you try to degrade and segregate? Once again do I avoid? When you try to break our spirit through the use of inequality? Once again do I avoid? When I see my people starve? Once again do I avoid? When I see my people trying to survive by any means necessary? Once again do I avoid? When I see my people wronged by their superiors? Once again do I avoid? Do I let those few destroy what my people work for? Once again do I avoid? Yes we can avoid or yes we can overcome? Your light must shine to expose the darkness? Your struggle is part of a bigger picture? Once again do I avoid? The answer is up to you. I choose to confront and keep my position. My body may become weak, but my mind echos strength. Once again do I avoid? We avoid more than the few that dictate. It is we that gives them power for a few to represent our initiative. Why do we be little ourselves to the few, but stand with the many. The many want a fighter a champion, but why are you many, when you been a fighter, a champion, all your life. Once again do I avoid? I challenge the many to use their own mind. Once again do I avoid? What we avoid is valid. What we create as valid is our stuggle. What we stand by is success. It is the many that make the few. Once again do I avoid? My answer is I'm tired of making excuses for avoiding the problem. I as many need to confront and not settle. Once again do I avoid? Our God as well as our devil is what we all live for? It exist in all but few recognize its intent? It is why many are called but few are chosen? Once again do I avoid? The greatest trick was making the devil not exist? Look at the past and into the present. How many times has the devil reappeared in your life? Once again do I avoid? History is doom to repeat itself through the many being dictated by few? Once again do I avoid? I rather open my eyes to know the devil exist in its many forms. Once again do I avoid by keeping my eyes closed? Once again do I avoid? How many times does our body die, before we give the gift of life? Once again do I avoid? Snakes produce poison but the mind to know that poison exist is the cure. The mind to know the devil exist is the remedy. Recognition is to heal. Acceptance is to avoid. Compromise is to settle. Conviction is everlasting. Once again do I avoid? Do you want a pardon or do you want justice? Once again do I avoid? The end is the beginning. Once again do I avoid? How will it end for you? Once again do I avoid? Right now is the start, the end is only a mind state. Once again do I avoid? We all can die, but are you willing to take the responsibility of living. Once again do you avoid?

Are you Gangsta? The realist shit I ever wrote

What is it in the hearts of men. Gender irrelevant. We seek out the body before we seek out the mind. We are bothered not by the major but the simple complications of life. The streets, we drive on is normal to most, but what we see is money and opportunity. We look at crime in no ordinary eyes. We dont get caught because we know how to lose the evidence. Its why the law hates us. They spend millions on us as we spend nothing back in return. We have no personal life but just business. Our personal life is business because our other half shows the rewards of our corporation. Our night time is really the day time. We climb the ladder through connections and secrecy in a bond of tradition meant for selected for a few. Leaders go to you when they cant go to anyone else. We speak nobody talks trying to take the moment for everything it is worth. Its funny how you need us when your own kind wont take care of you. We are bonded in this fraternity by our specialities. We tend not to meet the one complaining. We carry things out because it is a necessity for those that do the right thing to walk on the streets. We carry out business without flaw. We know what goes on behind the scenes, and others just see what we want you to see. We are lawyers by mind seeking out technicalities. Who are you. Are you gangsta? Can you go out on your own but be respected as if a individual is as noteworthy as any gang, mafia, or criminal syndicate. The only real gang is the police because it makes us into gangstas. They charge you in order to make a new record. The charge cant stick so it is dismiss. They spend their time enjoying the fact the charge still shows up. You have to respond to it with lack of regards for their infiltration. You handle them as individuals and not law figures. You get arrested and they take you around the corner and take the handcuffs off. You investigate the abuse of power as a follow up to their survelliance. You are strong and posed to begin another chapter but must finish cleaning up the mess left behind. You are the cleaner. You are a advisor. Nobody approaches you but someone close to you for communication. The garbage men. You take out the trash that others with power dont have the balls to pick up. You dont catch the common cold, because you are constantly sick. You are around the disease every single day. Others are quick to fire and give out pink slips, but you can never be terminated. You see your friends but walk pass as if you do not know them. You are seen in the same places but can walk to the car without someone following you. Families are off limit but this rule is rarely followed. You accept it as grounds for your own retribution if needed. The personal concern you can live through. You drive off no one knows your destination. You are a commoner to those that dont know you. You can walk into any conversation or environment, and not seem like a stranger. You talk to owners not workers. You respond with tribute as it to know what the payment means without interpretation. You dont speak much not even on the phone. You handle face to face to those that you dont know real names. You are the mediater to disputes. You put people focus out of the direct solution, but give 5 different possibilities and results. You give them a choice that was once not a option. You dont have to listen to others but you choose to learn for yourself. This flaw is natural. You know why,because like god quoted in the most famous book. Do not lead into your own interpretation, but who can you learn from. You learn from observation as others put the risk of wheels in motion. Your ears is wide open in a noisy room. You listen to certain conversations without being a part of it. You hear trigger disclosures that turn you on more than sex. Money is the root of all evil, but you know it is a chain of command. You eliminate those surroundings and target your issue. Are you gangsta? Do you see the streets through tunnel vision. Do you talk to new individuals openly or do you give them the worse before you give them the good. You let others learn by being around you, but quick to notice, they need to be on a need to know base. Most dont need to know. They see the simulation but never the real thing. You are the guy that knows how to fly a plane but never been in the cockpit. They can get to the door but they cant come in. You can walk in without a key. You walk pass people speaking to you to only speak to who you need to speak to. You are disrespectful by their minds, and you know it and dont give a fuck. The others are peasants in your endeavor. You cant stand excuses or uncertain words. Probably, not sure, or any ly gives you pause and caution. Are you gangsta. You become paranoid when most think its not a big deal. You vision the future in odd scenarios. You are a guardian without the paper work. God guards you because he gave his only begotten son so that you can have life. You are a part of his plan whether you walk the straight and narrow, or the far and wide. Do you allow anyone to take your order and serve you drinks or do you already have individuals service you only all the way until the order come back. The gangsta walks to the kitchen and finds out who screws up. People that know and dont know you feel only the best is in order to them. You pay the streets better than businesses do. The boss envys your stature. Damn Boss, you are suppose to be running things. You laugh to be sarcastic at their position to be vulnerable. Someone bitch is really your bitch.. Do you ask who made the drink or cook the food. Do you introduce yourself because this is a life altering transaction. Do people ultimatically respect those around you because of who you are, with or without you. Does it turn you on to feel they have to answer for any problem that arises because the most unnotice lack of disrespect gives you no resolve. People around you notice your temper and try to imitate. People try to get away with the little things that you get away with. NO permission necessary it is earned not stolen. You must confront it from the start because others are watching your motive and resolve. Do you just sit there and take it or do you make the motherfucker never make that mistake again. Are you the robin hood to the hood. Do you walk into the club going through the line or going through the vip. Celebrities remember you more than you think about them. You can relate. You do not know them so they still have to be treated as suspect. You still in the VIP. People try to kick you out, but others tell them it is not worth the trouble that can arise. They ask who is in charge and they respond leave it a lone. They no longer look at you as to know that their fear gives you peace. Your eyes hold most conversations. Your body language is all that is necessary. Note the prejudice. A nod a tilt of the head a signal. Only signals for those that need to know for what you want at that time. You are not the life of the party but people wonder who you are. You leave without being notice, but milestones correlate. You are a trophy for the curious to know. Are you gangsta. Can you walk into a hood without a invitation. Your car pulls up with a driver getting out to give you the keys. You originally came with no drama. The unexpected events is the only attention you cause. At that time you are leaving and people get the message. You are measured more by what you do for others than what they do for you. You are a leader but understand the streets. You cant judge because you are far from perfect. Are you gangsta. You give alibys before being a snitch or witness. You keep people out of jail instead of having them make mistakes because of first impression. Your only focus is on knowing who you need to know. Their focus is still trying to get a background that doesnt exist unless you in certain departments. Others dont like resumes and dont need them. You are your own resume. You are your own qualifications. Your credibility has a long history. Your history makes you a legend without question. But you dont need to be talked about because most whisper. Most that whisper are worried to bring up the subject about you unless you are around. They dont know what can be the result, but not knowing is the ultimate surprise to any enemy. They respect how you handle business because you are not loud. Your work can be read in the paper without your name being the headline. Cops know who done it but doesnt have a lead to prosecurte. Are you gangsta? Its nothing gangsta but doing the dumb shit to get caught... What do you see... You see who you want to be but you dont know how to step in those shoes... You cant kill what you dont really know... All you know is that person is respected and dont know why they are respected... You know why once again we are not talked about. We dont get the benefits. You are a hero without a identity for your works. Acting personal is a waste of time. You make no immediate moves over disrespect. You take someone life while living. Death is a priviledge and not a tragedy to those that undermined. You are what you are. You accept it. You are never finish because you crash everytime. It takes years to those that take days to finish your punishment. It is better served slow than in a speedy way. You crash with a new world every single day with new issues and new consequences... You are gangsta... Even the people close to you cant figure out how you are going to arrive at the next location... They just know your prescence is no longer around them, but they daydream of your agenda. They make up what is not really true. The truth is a fact and it can land you where you dont want to be. The confusion is your pillow. You need the truth to be the truth, but without you being indentified as the truth. You are a lie, you are the worse of the worse, but to those that you care about, you are a good earner, and have values. They understand the world you live in is not what they are use to, but know you have to do what you have to do. I give to my family no matter where they are a man without the cameras, videotapes, and audio. It always scrambles and you get the tape. You are after the tape than you are after the video feed. All they do know is I love them. They are your flaw they are your weakness but they get the benefits they get to this day because of what you do. But they dont know what it is. I think this is my way of saying thank you and this is who i am. R.I.P to all those that cant be talked about. I pour liquor for making the world into what it is. We dont have the history to record you contributions to the world, but your memory still resides in others. We are the ghosts. Where is our reward. It is left behind having a better life. It is the main thing we care about. Love.Money.Power.Respect to all those gone but not forgotten. Im glad to know I will never know. It is the way you would have wanted it. L.M.P.R

Public safety and hidden Video Survelliance

Public safety and hidden Video Survelliance
Posted May 1
Are you a animal? Yes or no? Are you a baby without a parent? Yes or no? Do you like being on camera 24/7? yes or no? Do you like politicians sticking a camera to view and your block 24/7 a day? If you answer no to all these questions than you have a problem. My city has decided to start this practice in African American and low income neighborhoods that they deem to be high crime areas. Do not get fulled black people into thinking this is a good idea and it is not a invasion of your privacy. These cameras can zoom in and spin in 360 degree lens. They have infrared filters in them so if something does go down whether emergency or not can see what you are doing in your household. Please be on the watch out as the approvals are all done by your city council. If you live in the Hampton Roads area especially in Norfolk and Virginia Beach. You do have a right to make your opinion noted at council meetings or even in a courthouse if you feel you was taped without your permission. It doesnt matter if you do a crime or not. Your image can be used for commercial and non commercial use. Im sure we all have had bad days or stuff you normally do that you didnt know breaks the law. If you are caught on this camera because you decided not to give your opinion than the lack of knowledge is only your ignorance. These cameras are used in their quote for public safety. If you care about yourself than you know that you are a gift of god no matter how bad or good that you been before present or in the future. These cameras have no accountability nor responsibility whether viewed or not to stop a crime. It only reports it but your everyday life is reality tv for a human viewing the video camera. Politicians definitely do not want people knowing who comes in and out of their house. They are given that right of privacy so just because you are not a politician doesnt mean you dont have the same rights. Unless you have some special court order of monitoring than you do have the right to refuse the babysitter as well as the stalker. Do not get yourself fooled that a mere 40 in a neighborhood of a couple of thousands should be cause for you to put your liberties and freedoms that you worked hard for denied. It can be the very thing that puts that normal day of life in check with criminal citations, arrests, search warrants and stuff that no reasonable person can see or interpret as a violation. I'm keeping you aware to look at the light poles and anywhere you see a camera. If they dont have probable cause or reason of suspcion, probable cause, or your consent. You have a right by the Freedom of Information Act as a law abiding citizen to see if your image or information about any hidden camera in public access, and your tax payer money is being used in a way to depict you as a human. If you feel like a box in a camera than the one operating it thinks you are a animal. Only animals need to be monitored 24/7 and denied their rights. It is present day slavery. If they dont have a camera in the white neighborhoods than why are they putting them into your neighborhood. Always be vigilant to question the laws in your area and the proposals that affect you and others and keep them aware. If you never been to jail than why give them a reason to already put you in their secret prison. In the Virginia Court of Appeals a conviction was overturn and the intent of the case was because a man confessed to using a camera to look under people dress. The court found that even underneath your skirt is not a reasonable expectation of privacy. The next time it might be a murderer going free because they cant use the video to put your predator at the scene. Read more of the fruit from the poisonous doctrine. If like this victim you dont want to be a victim again seeing the person who invaded your privacy told he didnt do nothing wrong. This goes for parents leaving and someone having the right to film your kids goings in and out than this is what you are asking for if you dont speak out against it. These politicans rather your dirty laundry to cover up theirs. Do not give them a chance and dont feel like you dont have no rights to change things. If just you have a problem without having your consent than deal with it. People embrace strength sometimes off others.

How does Parents feel about having more rights against troubled youth?

How does Parents feel about having more rights against troubled youth?
Posted May 20
Gang and Youth Intervention for Parents with Troubled Youth Proposal Parents added right to use the tax payer system to deter juvenile criminal activity at a massive level. This is a suggestion after coming back from North Carolina that I thought I should run pass you. It is a proposal to give parents more power in intervening with troubled youth that they recognize to be involved in gang activity or activities unbecoming of a law abiding citizen. It is to be implimented once or twice a year program where troubled youth are voluntarily incarcerated at the request of their parents for a weekend. The goal would be to place them in adult jails for the weekend with a Sunday morning release. Keys to making this work Move inmates into another block of the jail Keep former inmates that have shown positive community interaction to be incarcerated with them for those two days. It is to mentor them to the reality of jail and the consequences that can come with breaking the law. Also it will show the affects of trying to get employment after coming out of jail. Have a arraignment on Saturday morning giving troubled youth fake real charges as a judge or commonwealth attorney play the part of actual judges. During the arraignment the judge show youth at similiar ages and crimes commited and time that they are serving for such offenses. Also include youth tried as adults to agree to be video tape of their experiences before and after being put in jail or prison at similiar ages of other youth. If a youth becomes a problem while in jail under the progam than place them in real solidatary confinement to last no more than 6 to 8 hours. Have the youth actually processed in holding cells and given the same treatment. Most youth after a day or even adults do not want to go back to jail. At that age their are more designed to figure out ways to leave. It is ashame they end up doing something so serious that they cant just leave. Put them through real bond hearings with court magistrates. The message of being denied bond also will give real life affect of not going home. Have the sheriff department pay deputies looking for overtime to serve a arrest warrant signed by a judge and the parent on the particular youth at the address. It is the same sympathy shared by a deputy and a inmate. They are to eat the same food that people in jail would eat. The parents would be responsible for paying the fee which is one dollar a day for their commitment in the program. Also having visitation hours for parents that are the same length for any other inmate behind the glass. This way parents can see the real affect on the youth and on the home because of their consequences. Real situations can bring real results. Most of the youth that commit serious crimes are being tried as adults. The best way is to stop them and give intervention before they have a criminal record which can affect them for a life time. Also this method could be used for principals in the public school system that express concern of a youth on the verge of expulsion by placing them in adult jail for seven days to live real life situations with real results. During that time they can see actual court cases that have real results for serious offenses. It is a idea, but I think parents that have troubled youth will be overwhelmingly supportive of having this as a extra tool to prevent possible criminal activity. I believe more youths will be saying my parent can send me to jail as a way of deterring other troubled youth into a life of crime. Let the youth spread the message and allow the parents to have this voluntary tool. Parents are responsible for their children, but not every parent has the same privilege of having help when it is much needed in advance. If we get them while they are doing petty crimes it can be a big deterrant on more serious crime. The day a parent can tell a youth I can send you to jail or you can do your homework would be a instrumental crime preventing method that will overwhelmingly show results. I believe if you hire a gang coordinator than they should bring fresh new ideas to the table. The money funded for the programs could be used to introduce methods to help the parent and the youth. I'm sure the sheriff department and other police departments would jump on board of having a extra option other than trying to handle things through a judiciary where the charges actually stick. I believe if we start designing methods for the parents than it will show that the U.S and just not a city or state understands and is willing to allow things to be handle in house and not on the streets. The major thing is to stop the excuses and accept responsibility for the parent and the youth. This way people are more satisfied that they tried instead of do nothing at all. How many juveniles need 20 to 40 years sentences instead of just giving them 3 days to 7 days without a record. After the time frame it is the parents responsibility to take on that assistance and apply goals for the youth to honor and respect. The end is hopefully one more graduate instead of one more inmate. The tax payers are already paying for the Department of Corrections. Why do they have to wait for a judge instead of invest in changing one at a time from going into that same system. Its not meant to stop every juvenile with problems. The fact is the justice system will never be 100 percent flawless even though it intends to be. I think such rights and priviledges should be afforded to the tax payers that are paying for the same system. The system will also help single out kids that might be going astray with the help from parents. It will also give out solid statistics for targeting the problem with more creative ideas to a population that is in the direction of prison instead of jobs or colleges. Take the gang leaders influence by injecting positive influences to override their recruitment.

Verdict Guilty on Rhianna and CumBack Rappers

Verdict Guilty to Rhianna and Cumback rappers
Posted June 6
I've always been one of those types not to jump on a issue until I know more about the facts. Obviously Im not one of the many few that wish they would have kept their mouth closed before choosing sides. I'm a firm believer of mitigating factors when it comes down to people behavior. We can never walk in anyone shoes unless we been in them before. The main people being vocal on behalf of Rhianna has shut their mouth on the issue all together. Oprah, Ellen, Steve Harvey, Cover Girl, and any other magazine that use to support you. Obviously they have to have good reason not to be bother with your ass also. But also they are hyprocrits in the issues addressed out of this nightmare that has another black man on trial because of information that has made you look as guilty. The problem I see in their issues is Rhianna isnt on the same charges as Chris Brown is or facing anything at all. The only reason why Rhianna is testifying isnt because Chris Brown hit her because she wouldnt have went back to dating him a short time after the event. It is the fact of pictures of the princess being released that shows more of sex addict which isnt bad at all. The more you worry about how people are going to think. The more they are going to talk about it. If you havent learned from other Video Vixens. They have moved on to make millions. I'm not saying what Chris Brown done was right but he shouldnt be the only one facing the stand for incidents of that night. If the LAPD the most corrupt pieces of %#&@$! cops in the planet dont believe you than maybe your %#&@$! stinks to. Ok this is my feelings. Chris Brown story has yet to come out of his mouth. Everything that was said in the report was Robyn F aka Rhianna. I always believe their is two sides to the story. I think Oprah needs to shut up is a quick thought that comes across my brain. I think this is truly a family matter and media moguls should not be using this matter to increase ratings as their are millions of people with similiar issues that are even worse that she could address on a national level. It seems like the media is so worried about ratings that they push these two together. A relationship is only good to the point of how much struggle it can take and overcome. Nothing is a fairy tale ladies and gentlemen. My major issue is she had a chance to get out the car before anything ever happen to that point. How many ways can you get someone out the car without grabbing them if they refuse to leave. Sitting on a key of a guy that said they are going to kill you. The keys is a way for him to leave and you sitting on the very thing he needs to get himself out the situation. I believe a bunch of buttons was pushed here and I do believe Chris Brown went too far from the looks of the picture. But how much does it take before someone snaps which is a clear example here. When you really care for someone than obviously it isnt as simple as getting out the car for both individuals and leaving without a argument which can escalate. It is the point of them. I think everyone should leave them a lone and let them handle their business. It is worse things going on with a bunch of celebrities that have yet to come out the closet. I believe the only reason why it is a big focus is to disguise what is going on in other people lives. If you dig deep enough you'll find something that is media friendly. We should all learn from Bush that people words arent the best approach in handling policy. Give them the same respect you would give a family member. Advice them but they are adults and need to make that decision. I believe it was a lot of holes in this story and the LAPD also confirmed it. I just think plenty of couples been in the fight it just never been reported or went to the police. But who are we to judge them, because most of you that is talking have put a hand on someone. Now lets say you was a woman and all these issues happen. How would you handle it amongst another woman. I guess than it would be ok. Stop blaming people and make sure your closet is clean before coming off at the mouth. Most of the people that do the most talking example Sarah Palin can have their own words or issues hit them smack in the face. Until I hear him speak it is a open book to me than make a decision. In the meantime arent they vacationing and going on with life. I guess that is your answer. Now some ladies might have a problem with what I said. Now ladies lets say you got smacked by another woman in a 250,000 car while driving. Do you think Rhianna would look in the same shape or worse. 2. Rhianna was dating other guys at the same time of Chris Brown. Now she wants to on one night get mad because women are texting his phone. The hyprocrit storyline is all over the place. The bottom line is be careful of what side you take until you know the facts. Obviously these other idiots didnt take note. Chris Brown you should have learned from Snoop, Do not love these ho's. The definition of ho can be male or female just like a %#&@$! can. Also for the rappers which I have lost respect that jumped on the band wagon. These same phonies that have said every derogatory name out the book when it comes down to women are jumping on the Save A Ho bandwagon. Dont be about something and than all of a sudden your record sells are hurting need a new issue to come back. Let me say it better CumBack Rappers. The same ones that have him feature on their hot single. I have all the respect for women whether they are promiscous or not. Just dont be fake about it. It is why those dirty closets that you wanted to remain private end up going public. If you made a video or whatever. You knew clearly what you was doing when you did it. Stop apologizing and take responsibility. It isnt nothing worse than going to a church asking for forgiveness when clearly you know when you did it their could be consequences. It doesnt mean it was wrong, but you clearly let everyone know that you are bother by their assumptions. Be true to yourself so when people speak on your behalf that others respect you because you was real and not this fake pedestal presented before them. Rhianna you quote I am sexual, but you made because it went public. When the real Rhianna shows up on a album than Ill be happy to buy it. Ive seen enough of the fake.

90 Day rule response on Steve Harvey book from Mack

The 90 Day rule in Steve Harvey Book Response
Posted May 14
I know a lot have asked me my opinion so I might as well give a overall answer. This part of the book is the most bull%#&@$!ting advice I ever heard of to kiss a Oprah audience ass in the world. Steve book is a good book. I just disagree with this part of the book that might eventually do more harm than ever do good. I'm not telling people just to jump in the bed with whoever the first night. Im just saying thats cool for teenagers in high school and to some in college that might be out of control. If you have any common sense this depends only on age and maturity. This golden rule introduce in his book is a terrible outline for any relationship that will grow. The harm of wasting 90 days of your life whether male or female to find out the bedroom activities is terrible. It is almost like giving out a bad gift on christmas day that you cant return. If you feel that your instincts are good than you have no need for this rule at all. It doesnt matter if its 90 days or a week. If you are on your grown and sexy business. This rule will never apply. It sounds nice but lets be realistic. If you older you have wasted enough time. The personality is overriden by the bedroom for most people at 21. You can get a long with as many women as you want, but if that bedroom becomes cold. It is always going to end a relationship or cause someone to cheat to get that itch scratch. It isnt about your gender it is about your needs and wants. Forever is a long time to be getting the same stuff over and over and over again. It is your job to keep both sides of the fence in line. Dont get mad at the trespassers in the meantime. If you wait 90 days after a week of whether you or the person you are seeing is getting along expect to keep in mind that you two are seeing someone that can handle those needs in the meantime. I ask anyone this question. Have you played the wait game and than find out its terrible in the bedroom. Did it override your expectation of a long lasting relationship or have you quickly jumped on the fact of just being friends. I know it is one thing to work with someone on being better, but some people are use to their ways. Ill say if your partner is willing to try and give a good effort than say, but dont set yourself up to be in a relationship where the loving part is on a sour note. Rather be a friend than be a cheater. Ill say this go do what you want to do and find out your answers from the start. Have about 5 different questions that you must have answered without the part being none of your business. My top five questions before pursuing a long term endeavor are these... Do you love sex? Do you have goals and ambitions and can still maintain time daily for your private life? What are some things you will not do? Are you seeing anyone else other than me? Do you like to be told what to do or do you like to follow the lead? Are you a porn star type or a chuch missionary? Do you like to watch flicks? This question is key because it means they take time to learn new things and if they dont than obviously sex is not a big deal for them, but it might be for you. I dont mean sex I mean good sex! If whoever answers does not match up. I suggest that you dont set yourself up for a long lasting failure. These questions should be answered on the first meet. Its no point of wasting 90 days when you can get the answer all in one day. You can be spending the next 89 days finding someone that fits instead of acquit. lol the johnnie cochran phrase. If you cant take the time to enjoy pleasing yourself, than how in the hell are you going to please someone else.
Your future is held accountable for your present and your present is responsibility and acceptance of our past. Do not let your "no" be another person "yes" As kids we talk about what we will and wouldnt do as kids. As adults we look back at us being kids and laugh. So laugh and move on to being a Adult that makes Adult decisions.